Listen up, guys! If you’re feeling super excited (and a tiny little bit nervous) about living on campus at Charles Sturt – you’re not alone. The anticipation is building. The excitement is setting in. And move-in day is fast-approaching. To avoid a last-minute freak-out about what to pack, I’ve done you a solid and put together a list on what you should pack for campus life. Here are six things you’ll definitely need to take with you (but might not have thought of!) on university move-in day.

By Lucy Pirrie
Bachelor of Communication (Advertising)
Charles Sturt University
Take a piece of home with you
Leaving home and moving into a new place is a big deal! You’re starting a new chapter of your life and there’s a (very) small chance you might feel a bit homesick on move-in day.
My advice is to surround yourself with bits and pieces that remind you of home. You can reflect on the good old times as you begin to make new and exciting memories! Things like posters, photos, plants and memorabilia will make your room look snazzy – and make you feel more comfortable as you settle in to your new environment. It will also have the added bonus of giving your new dormies insight into who you are as a person!
Record the good times
Another piece of advice from me to you for university move-in day: bringing a journal when moving on campus is one of the best things you can do.
Your uni years are some of the best of your life, so why not document it? Sometimes it’s hard to remember the itty bitty details of life. Your memories of classes, friends, nights out, sporting events and res activities can fade as time goes on. Keeping a journal is also a great way to check in with your own mental health and a way to take time out when things get busy.
A few must-have essentials for move-in day
Now for some practical stuff…
You will 100 per cent need a power strip. Your two power points in your dorm just won’t cut it! Bringing a power strip will ensure all your devices are charged up and ready to go for your studies.
Triple check you’ve packed all your charging cables! Think laptop, phone, tablet, as well as things like hair straighteners and hair dryers!
Don’t forget a Bluetooth speaker! It’s always a good time when you have some tunes blasting through the dorms before a fun night out. And on the flipside, quality headphones are also a good idea. When you’re not in a social mood and need to block out any distractions that come with campus life, headphones are a lifesaver (for you and your neighbour!).
Don’t be afraid to get a little fancy!
When you’re living on campus, you might be surprised at the number of dress-up nights that happen throughout the year!
Save yourself some coin and BYO costume from home! Pack as many as you can. Bonus: not stressing about finding a costume (and finding the money to pay for it!) will give you more time to focus on your assignments. You know, the real reason you’re at uni?
Bathroom basics
Communal bathrooms aren’t always the best thing about campus life – but you can make things a little easier on yourself!
To avoid carrying all your toiletries to the shower every day, simply bring a basket (or shower caddy) to make things a breeze. And when it comes to your wardrobe – it’s also a good idea to bring baskets for clothes and shoes, as wardrobe space can be limited in your room.
Keen to find out more about living on campus?
You should see it for yourself! You’re invited to go behind the scenes on a campus tour. You’ll find out exactly what sets Charles Sturt apart from other unis – including our world-class facilities, secure accommodation options and high-tech learning commons. Then it’s time to get packing for move-in day!
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