Securing the best job prospects

Does a degree mean better job prospects?

You want to get to work and make a difference. And we’re here to help you do that. Because we know that when it comes to job prospects it’s all about taking that first step to getting qualified.

But what should that first step be? After all, the workplace you’re going to enter is changing like never before.

The key trends in the changing employment landscape, such as the impact of technology and increased flexibility in the job market, are developing so rapidly that it can make deciding on a career path seem an unenviable task.

So how can you secure a career that not only gives you the chance to make your mark and change lives, but that also offers some security in the future?

Well, getting a degree is a good place to start.

A degree gives financial security

Graduates typically earn more over their working life than non-graduates. This is testament not only to the promotion opportunities that open up to people with advanced knowledge and skills, but also their higher earning potential.

Why is that? Well, here at Charles Sturt there are three key fundamentals in all our degrees that give you the best chance of securing the career you want.

Hands-on learning. It’s what we do.

First, we give you hands-on experience from your first year. You’ll be putting theory into practice and getting to work straight away. This can be through work placements, internships or practical workshops in our world-class facilities.

Because learning isn’t just about knowing; it’s about doing as well. Giving you lots of opportunities to put your knowledge into practice is what we’re all about. And you’ll be doing the things that happen in the workplace, so you are getting job-ready from the start of your course.

Working with industry

Second, we work closely with industry partners so that you get the skills that industry needs. What are the current – and future – trends that will affect industries and job prospects, and how are they changing to meet them? We get the inside track and help you get ready for the future.

For instance, how will robotics influence agricultural production? What is eco social work and how important will it be in the future? What’s happening at the cutting edge of digital media production, and how can our students experience it?

We are constantly asking this question of the big players in industry, and using the information we receive to update our courses with the very latest theories and practice. So when you graduate, you’re ready to step into where the industry is – not where it was three years ago.

Soft skills that help you thrive

Third, we embed transferable skills into all our courses. You’ll develop personal aptitudes that are super useful across many different industries – and many different job opportunities. Things like communication, leadership, teamwork and problem-solving. As the future job landscape becomes more flexible, someone who can apply analytical skills, initiative and emotional intelligence to a wide range of opportunities will be well placed to secure their future.

It’s also in the figures

We work hard to make sure our graduates get the career they want. And it’s paying off.

We have the highest graduate employment rate in Australia. That’s right, more of our graduates find full-time employment within four months of graduating than graduates of any other university in the country.

Plus, the feedback we get from employers is also letting us know that with Charles Sturt, students are ready to make their mark in the workplace from the day they graduate.

Getting ready for the career you want

And just as importantly, our graduates are going on to find jobs that they really enjoy. Amy Farrell, a graduate of our Bachelor of Communication, majoring in radio communication, now works as a copywriter at Nova FM.

“Charles Sturt teaches you to apply yourself, and begin good habits early so by the time you get to your third year, you can actually work out where your skill set lies.”

As Gino Mammoliti, a graduate of the Bachelor of Business (Accounting) says, “I’m already seeing jobs that I wasn’t able to apply for before, that I can actually apply for now. So my degree is already working for me!”

Let’s talk about your future job prospects

We’re here to help. So let’s chat about where you want to go – and how we can help you make it happen.