How to become a lawyer in Australia
Click to discover how to become a lawyer a Australia. What they do, where they work, the skills the job needs and the course to get you there.
Read MoreClick to discover how to become a lawyer a Australia. What they do, where they work, the skills the job needs and the course to get you there.
Read MoreClick to get the thoughts of the Hon Michael Kirby on why law is important, what it means for us, and why studying law makes a difference.
Read MoreStart your career in law, criminal justice or policing with an undergrad degree from Charles Sturt, Australia's #1 uni for grads who get jobs.
Read MoreCharles Sturt University student Matthew Allen decided studying law online was right for him. He tells us how to study law online effectively.
Read MoreFind out how to make a career change. Like Hamish, who studied law and combined it with his trade experience to make a career change to law.
Read MoreDiscover how Charles Sturt academic Pieoro Moraro helps challenge assumptions about the role of state punishment in criminal justice.
Read MoreIs terrorism now a part of everyday life? Will there always be an al-Qaeda or an Islamic State threatening communities and nations? Are we in a perpetual ‘war on terror’? These are questions that we’re all learning to live with. …
Read MoreStudying an online law degree in Australia with Charles Sturt has paid off for the first graduates of the unique law degree. Read on...
Read MoreWhat will the future of policing, justice and legal services look like? Find out from some of Charles Sturt's expert academics.
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