Finding a career path

Finding a career path: take the first step with Charles Sturt

Finding a career path isn’t always straightforward. Life happens, priorities shift, and sometimes exam results don’t meet your expectations.

However, when you do know what your passion is, you deserve every opportunity to pursue it.

At Charles Sturt University, we believe everyone should have the chance to achieve their goals. We’re committed to helping you discover a career that makes a meaningful impact on both your life and your community. That’s why we offer numerous pathways to get you into university and help you earn the qualifications you need for the career you really want.

Meet some of the people who have successfully turned their aspirations into reality.

Kiera Zappacosta | Dentistry

“I had multiple gap years after high school and no direction during this time. I moved around a lot and couldn’t commit to a job or degree. Then I got a lucky break as a dental assistant – having absolutely no experience.

“I loved it. And I was so inspired and realised that I found my niche. I decided I wanted to be providing the care instead of just assisting. I didn’t have the best ATAR so I applied for the Bachelor of Science and selected oral health subjects to show I was capable. Later that year I took a breath and applied for the Bachelor of Dental Science.1 And I got in!

“There are so many different pathways to get where you want to be. The support from Charles Sturt has been incredible. They encouraged me not to give up and supported me throughout the entire process to get into this course, which I have dreamt of studying for a long time.”

Michelle Zarb | Social welfare

“Nobody I knew, no one in my family, extended family or networks had ever been to university. So, I wasn’t exposed to the different degrees available. I decided on changing careers midlife and worked towards educating myself so that I could work with vulnerable and marginalised people in my community… I knew I had to seriously think about going to uni to futureproof my career.”

“In terms of my self-esteem, my social welfare degree was a wonderful, wonderful thing for me. I don’t think I realised until I graduated, how much I had been holding onto the fact that I hadn’t finished the Higher School Certificate. It turned out that [through their TAFE to uni pathways program] Charles Sturt recognised my TAFE diploma and, ultimately, my sector experience as well, so I’d already completed some components of a degree.”

“In terms of my career path, this degree absolutely opened many more doors and led to a greater earning capacity. And it helped me get to where I’m meant to be. I have found my place in the world and that wouldn’t have happened without study. I now work with children who are in the child protection system or children who are in statutory care. And I go to work every single day, and I’m making a difference. I’m giving back.”

Danielle Macpherson | Paramedicine

“I always knew I wanted to do something medical in my career. But I wasn’t sure I would get the grades to go into paramedicine. However, I really worked hard in Year 12 and was so pleased to get a place in the course. I loved it as soon as I got to Charles Sturt.

“The Bachelor of Paramedicine2 has changed my life. When I started I was 17 and really shy, but now I’m a lot more confident. I was initially really nervous about ‘taking centre stage’ in practicals and things like that, but it felt like everyone was in the same position and understood what was happening, so I felt really supported.

“I really want to pursue a career in paramedicine and eventually become something like an extended care paramedic to help people in the community.”

Start finding a career path with Charles Sturt

If you’re ready to start finding a career path that ignites your passion, you’ve come to the right place. At Charles Sturt you can choose from hundreds of courses – from micro-credentials to full degrees – that will give you the skills you need to reach your goals.

We also have lots of different pathways to help you get where you want to go. So, even if you didn’t quite hit the ATAR you were aiming for, or you’ve been in the workplace for a while and are nervous about coming to uni for the first – or next – time, we’ll find a personalised path to getting the qualification you want.

And we’ll support you every step of the way.

Go on, explore our courses, and start finding a career path that’s right for you today.

1CRICOS: 074610F
2CRICOS: 036176A