Group of students celebrating acing exams

How to study for exams – top tips for success

It’s getting close. The HSC or VCE is just around the corner for you. It can seem a bit overwhelming. But don’t worry, it’s just one step on your journey. And there are a few things you can do to make sure this time studying for exams is as stress-free as possible, so you’re acing exams with a calm mind and a laser-like focus. Let’s take a look at some top tips for how to study for exams.

First things first, you want to get organised. Acing exams starts with getting to the right exam on the right day. No point getting a topic all set in your head to find yourself at the exam hall a week too late.

So, make sure you know where you need to be… and when!

Exam preparation

When you get close to exam time, it’s important to look after yourself, minimise stress and get yourself as ready as you can to ace the exams. Here are our tips for how to keep your head in the game in the lead up to the exams – and in the exam itself.

How to study for exams – the week before

We’ve said it before when it comes to how to study for exams but it’s worth repeating – make sure you stay active, eat healthy food and get a proper amount of regular sleep. No amount of knowledge will help you ace an exam if you’re sleep deprived or there’s no fuel in your tank.

Review your study notes and brush up on areas of weakness. Plan your study for the next week – just remember to include downtime in there somewhere. Start talking yourself up and be positive. Fake it till you make it.

How to study for exams – the night before

Relax. Yep, easier said than done. But seriously, try to take things easy. Cramming is not going to help.

Get organised. Equipment, clothes, a watch. Make sure it’s all ready to go. Pack your bag. And confirm the time of the exam. Then tell your parentals, just in case. Have a quick review of your notes. Sleep.

The day

Eat something, even if you’re hella nervous. Fruit, toast or cereal. You can’t get through a two or three-hour exam with a rumbling tummy. Be early.

The exam

Use your reading time wisely – develop your plan of attack. Then read the question and underline all the important words, it will help you answer correctly.

Take a watch, sit it on your desk and use it to keep you on track for each question. Not sure about a question? Leave it and come back – but try not to leave any question unanswered. You never know, you just might score a mark for what you put down.

Looking forward

Remember, exam time is important, but it’s not the be-all and end-all. Give yourself the best shot at doing your best, and then see where you want to take your education journey next. We’ll be here to talk through your options when you’re ready.