At Charles Sturt University having a studying overseas experience is easy with Charles Sturt. Whatever university course you’re studying – it could take you around the globe!
Charles Sturt University’s Outbound program gives you the chance to experience the world through a broad range of international study opportunities. Study on exchange, participate in short-term programs, attend conferences, volunteer or complete your work-integrated learning (previously called workplace learning) at one of many international destinations. You can boost your credentials as a graduate and take the new global marketplace by storm – all while having the time of your life. So if studying overseas has always been a dream, you can make it a reality at Charles Sturt.
Just like Emme Williams.
You can help out on the other side of the world
As part of her Bachelor of Veterinary Biology / Bachelor of Veterinary Science degree, Emme got on board for a very special trip to Africa.
Why don’t we let Emme tell you her story about studying overseas?
“I was lucky enough to travel to Africa to participate in a trip to Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. I went with an organisation called ALERT (African Lion and Environmental Research Trust). They work with communities to help minimise deadly human-wildlife conflict, specifically those involving lions. In Africa, prey animals such as leopards, lions and hyenas have no boundaries. As a result, they often attack local livestock, causing fatal conflict with both prey animals and humans.
“ALERT’s main aim is to conserve all species and the ecosystems they live in – with a focus on elephants, giraffes, predators and birds.
Studying overseas gives you
hands-on experience
“The placement gave me a number of opportunities to try something new. I engaged and communicated with locals who were gathering information (like recent predator attack points on livestock). I helped observe species behaviour and collected data. This research data included behavioural analysis, faecal collection, species surveys, mapping coordinates and the use of camera traps.
“Working with a local organisation allowed for cultural immersion: whether travelling home with a live chicken nursed on my lap, bargaining with traders in the markets or trying to overcome language barriers. I experienced many moments I will hold onto forever – including a special encounter in the wild.”
Did you know you can get a scholarship to support your overseas study?
Charles Sturt student Kaitlyn Weller received a scholarship that led to a life-changing international study adventure.
Your overseas study trip will be a truly wild experience
“It was mid-morning and our group had set out into Zambezi National Park to relocate camera traps we’d set up near waterholes. We drove for about 30 minutes until we reached as far as the vehicle could take us. But then we had to walk for about 1.5 kilometres into the complete wild.

“The guide told us to sit quietly in a bush, in an attempt to hide our scent. He kept telling us how lucky we were to witness this moment.
“Our group sat silently in the heat of the African sun as we watched our guide become more and more anxious. He recognised the sounds we couldn’t. Lions were communicating with one another, ambushing the herd of buffalo. As the guide began to load his machine gun, two female lions emerged from the scrub. We were blessed enough to sit and watch these lions communicate their attack, before disappearing because we’d disturbed their hunt.
“Lions soon became my new favourite animal, from experiencing them in conservation, rehabilitation and in the wild. One morning we walked into Zambia, narrowly avoiding the baboons that guarded the bridge. We were shown ALERT’s efforts to relocate and conserve the rapidly declining lion population there.
“We walked alongside these powerful animals and observed them in their natural habitat. We finished the day watching the sun set over a waterhole where elephants, giraffes, buffalo, impala and warthogs came to drink. I also walked alongside elephants and witnessed the last remaining white rhinos in Zambia.

Immerse yourself in overseas study
“Working with ALERT gave me such unique experiences, it was different to being a typical tourist. As a group, we witnessed firsthand the efforts put into conservation and the reality of the problems African communities face, from poaching to corruption.
“Coming home to Australia and seeing the recent political troubles in Zimbabwe, broke our hearts. We developed such a sense of belonging within Victoria Falls. This program gave us direct contact with local villagers, their livestock and the wildlife. It was something that couldn’t be achieved as a tourist. We had animal contact and immersed ourselves into communities.”

You’ll make connections for life on a global study trip
For Emme, there were many benefits to studying overseas.
“Because of my outbound opportunity I was able to make friendships across Charles Sturt University campuses. We weren’t limited to just our research tasks. There were many varied and engaging social opportunities. We met locals, developed new friendships and sourced the best places to eat. We swam in Devils Pools on top of Victoria Falls, jumped off a 120-metre cliff into a raging river and zip-lining through the rain forest canopy.
“My journey didn’t finish in Zimbabwe. I’ve also travelled to South Africa, Botswana, Uganda and Rwanda, continuing to expand my knowledge of the great African continent.
“I highly recommend applying for an overseas opportunity – you won’t be disappointed.”
Take your study around the world with Charles Sturt University
We’re a regional university with a global outlook. That means you can be a truly global graduate. Take a look at what’s on offer and explore the world with our study abroad options. Studying overseas you can build your skills, experience another culture, enhance your résumé and meet new people – all while having an epic time! And the opportunities are available to everyone, whether you’re studying online or on campus. What are you waiting for?
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