Ever wondered how online study could benefit you, your career and your family? Hang tight because there are a whole bunch of ways studying online can work to your advantage. Let’s unpack the benefits of online study.
Benefit 1: Real flexibility
If you’re considering online study, it’s quite likely that you already have a lot going on. Generally, online is the study mode of choice for busy people who lead busy lives. They need a guarantee that study is going to be flexible and fit in with their life. When you study online with Charles Sturt, you’ll experience real flexibility. The kind of flexibility that lets you deal with unexpected challenges calmly and efficiently.
Here’s how flexible study will benefit you. Study in the morning, afternoon, evening or at night – whatever works best for you. You’re not bound by a class schedule or constrained by the clock. You can watch recorded lectures whenever it suits you. Now, let’s face it, some of the best times of day to really get stuck into study can be in the morning before work or later in the evening once the kids have gone to bed. If you’re most productive at 2am or you’ve got some time on the commute to and from work, you can enjoy flexible study then too.
Another of the benefits of online study is that you can learn on your own schedule. Rather than leave the office early or skip family dinner to travel to campus, you can log in when it’s convenient for you. Study time doesn’t need to interfere with other commitments. That flexibility allows you to balance work and life.
This is a major draw for those who need some wiggle room when it comes to doing an online course. The 2020 Online Education Trends Report found that for the fourth year in a row, convenience and flexibility topped the list of reasons for students opting for an online program.

I worked full-time and weekends were filled with sport and driving kids around, so studying online was very flexible – it suited me. If I had a busy week I could put study on hold and get back to it the following weekend. It fit in with my lifestyle and was really the only option for me.
David McMahon
Master of Environmental Management
Benefit 2: Learn at your own pace
Everyone learns differently and online study supports this. Whether you love to speed-read your modules or take time to process things, you can study however suits you. All you need to do is make sure you meet those all-important deadlines. Online study is done your way – at your own pace and place.
Self-paced study lets you create your own study timetable. One of the best ways to find your groove is to sit down before the session begins and devise a personalised study plan. Plot out key times where you will study, make a note of important uni dates and assessment deadlines and highlight social and family events. To really reap the benefits of learning at your own pace, you need to factor in those important dates and personal events. After all, it’s about finding balance while you prepare yourself for the career you really want.

When you study an online course, you can play to your strengths – and build a schedule that suits your situation. I can study when I want. I can do as little or as much as I like. It’s all my choice.
Sally Dare
Graduate Diploma of Psychology
Benefit 3: Keep your day job
Want to advance your career or have a complete career change? Well, you don’t need to quit your current job to get ahead. When you study online, you can fit study around your existing lifestyle, commitments and obligations.
It’s recommended that you allocate around 10–12 hours of study time per 8-point subject, per week. When there are 24 hours in a day and your working day occupies around eight hours, that leaves some real opportunities to fit study in – and still have a social life.
Wondering how online study could fit into your day? Here are some prime opportunities to fit study into your working week:
- 6.00‒8.00am: early morning study session and assessment planning before you head to work.
- 12.00‒1.00pm: grab a bite to eat while you watch a recorded lecture or review your study notes on your lunch hour.
- 5.00‒6.00pm: catch up on your readings or engage in forum discussions with other students on the commute home from work.
- 7.00‒9.00pm: hook into your study modules and course materials after you’ve had dinner with your family.
- Any point in the weekend: lock in some time to get those assignments underway – then enjoy some much-deserved free time!
- Public holidays: hello, bonus study time! Also, a great opportunity to get ahead or do some revision.
Benefit 4: Boost your soft skills
We know that juggling work, family, and study isn’t always going to be a walk in the park. But the soft skills you’ll develop through online study will help you to take on any challenge that comes your way. Another great benefit that comes with boosting your soft skills through online study is when you show up in your future industry. Soft skills include time management, organisation, communication skills, work ethic and resilience.
Employers recognise the importance of the soft skills it takes to balance life, work and study. Because there are no set class times within an online degree, and you have the flexibility to create your own schedule, it’s up to you to proactively reach out to faculty, complete assignments on time and plan ahead.
Benefit 5: Build self-discipline and accountability
Studying online requires certain skills such as self-discipline, self-motivation and communication. When you’re an online learner, you may find that you quickly hone and develop these skills which are also important in the workplace. For example, you’ll need to regularly communicate – whether verbally or written – with your lecturers and peers. This will sharpen your communication skills. You’ll also need to motivate yourself to complete an online course and turn in your assignments on time.
Online classes help you make and meet deadlines, practice managing your time and staying productive. Employers will appreciate the time management and accountability skills you’ve demonstrated by completing an online degree and will view these skills as a valuable asset in the workplace.
Benefit 6: Create your own learning environment
One of the benefits of online study is that you can create an environment that works for you. If you’re not feeling productive at home or need a change of scenery, you can head to the library or a café to study. Whatever works best for you. Some people can find in-person classes distracting. If you’re one of them, you don’t have to worry about this with an online degree. Your study environment is your own private sanctuary to get stuff done.
(Check out our top 10 tips for studying your online course to get your head in the game.)
Benefit 7: Personalised support for online students
If you think online study means doing it alone, think again! In fact, when you study online you’ll have a range of ways that you can have your questions answered. Charles Sturt offers personalised support for online students, at any time of the day or night. There are multiple ways you can reach out to staff and other students when you need help, guidance or advice. There are subject forums, live chat, email, phone, Skype and more. You can also book an appointment with our friendly teaching staff to have your questions answered. So, connect to our community of support when you need it and you’ll have smooth sailing. We’re one big family that’s here to help!

I see the world differently now. It was great with online study as we had students not only from metropolitan areas like me, but also rural areas and from many different countries, so I really felt I was exposed to views and knowledge from across a wide range of experience.
Frances Brogan
Nursing postgraduate
Ready to experience the benefits of online study?
It’s your time to shine! Whether you’re wanting to study part-time or full-time, discover the benefits of online study and find the perfect online course for you.

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