Postgraduate studies in Australia can be the key to landing your dream job. Just ask Charles Sturt student Kathy Talbot from Canberra. The teacher librarian exudes enthusiasm when she talks about her job. How did Kathy end up in a career she loves so much? She upskilled through postgraduate studies. Here’s her story.
Every day I love going into work. It is so dynamic, different and just fun to be a teacher librarian. I am very lucky to be able to do what I love every day.
Kathy’s journey into teacher librarianship

Kathy has been a teacher for almost 20 years. She graduated with a Bachelor of Education (Primary) and taught students from Preschool to Year 10. She describes her upskilling journey into teacher librarianship as an ‘unexpected one’.
“I was teaching a Year 5 class part-time when my principal asked if I would like to work in the library – common practice for part-time primary teachers. I decided to give it a go as I would be working with a very dear friend who became my teacher librarian mentor.
“As the school grew, I became the main ‘teacher in library’, teaching the Preschool to Year 6 release lessons.
“This was a unique library as it was part of a joint facility, accessible to two schools – the Catholic school I was working in and a government school.
“I worked closely with the teacher librarian from the government school to further develop my skills as a teacher in library. I also worked hard with my own school to put into practice what I was learning.
“This involved building collaborative practices with staff to assist them in developing well-resourced units of inquiry for their classes, then supporting these themes in library lessons.”
Why Kathy pursued the benefits of upskilling
After several years in the role, Kathy could clearly see the value of a trained teacher librarian in a school library. She had considered further study earlier, but had been worried about the impact it might have on her young family.
“I applied for a teacher librarian position and was interviewed but not offered the role – because I didn’t have the qualification.
“Not winning the position showed me how much I wanted to pursue a career in teacher librarianship. I also realised I wanted to return to a high school setting, where I had spent eight years in my early career.”
Kathy decided the time was right to pursue postgraduate studies. She was working part-time, her children were becoming more independent and she had time to spare. She enrolled in Charles Sturt’s online Master of Education (Teacher Librarianship) as a part-time student.
Support on the journey
Kathy was delighted to find herself encircled by support on her upskilling journey.
“Not only do I have a supportive family, but I have such supportive friends and colleagues, a real cheer squad.
“I have studied while away for National Masters hockey tournaments the past two years and my teammates have been really supportive.
“I have been fortunate to have supportive principals and coordinators at the schools I have worked at while studying, along with excellent mentors in both the primary and secondary settings.

“The Charles Sturt teaching staff have been wonderfully supportive, easing my nerves about assessments, sharing their wealth of knowledge, inspiring me to apply best practice and answering my ‘stupid questions’.
“In Canberra, we have a fantastic teacher librarianship network where I have been able to share my ideas, develop skills and learn on-the-job knowledge.
“Without my family, friends and colleagues I would not have been as successful in my studies as I have been.”
Kathy’s dream job
While studying and working part-time, Kathy applied for and gained a full-time teacher librarian position at her current school, a Year 7–12 college.
So what exactly does a teacher librarian do? Kathy explains.
“There isn’t a day that is the same – I love the diversity of my job!
“I could be creating online resources for a classroom teacher, facilitating an educational ‘escape room’, taking a class on a VR (virtual reality) excursion or helping my students design a school garden – and let’s not forget planning for Book Week!

“I also run a weekly reading café for students with colleagues, to share our love of books and reading.”
Kathy works with four other staff to support the teaching and learning needs of more than 1,200 students.
“I work in an amazing team. We are all dedicated to supporting students to become lifelong learners, critical thinkers and great humans.”
“On any given day, we select literature for the shelves, find digital and physical resources to support curriculum, provide curriculum-linked escape rooms, facilitate VR excursions, collaborate with staff and students to support learning and wellbeing, and build positive relationships within our community.
“I love being around staff and students. With the library literally in the middle of the school, there is no shortage of conversations about books, resources or daily life!”
Tips for balancing postgraduate studies
Kathy has almost completed her master’s. And she’s happy to share her tips for balancing online postgraduate studies with family and work.
“I balance by having a supportive family, and I head to the National Library one night a week and on weekends when close to assessment due dates.
“When I worked part-time, I would go to a café on my day off work. I would drop the kids at school, order a coffee, then lunch, and finish studying in time to pick the kids up after school.
“Remember, routine is important. Give yourself permission for some time for self-care. Know you can’t read everything, so do what you can manage. Be kind to yourself.”
Get the benefits of upskilling
If you are like Kathy and it’s your time to pursue that dream job, upskilling with a postgraduate course can help you land it. Remember, when you love your work, you’ll never ‘work’ another day in your life!
Or make the move to teaching and find out how to land an in-demand, rewarding career as a teacher.

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