Wondering how to boost your career prospects? Meet the people who have done just that by pursuing university studies. They’ve returned to the classroom not just for the grades, but to carve out impactful careers. To achieve their ambition. To get the life they want. Many have shifted careers later in life or have pursued postgraduate courses to achieve their professional goals. All have seen uni study make a big difference to their career. And all have benefited from the flexibility to fit study round their lives that comes from joining Australia’s most experienced online university (that’s Charles Sturt, by the way).

Helena Davies – Veterinary Technology
“I chose to return to study because the veterinary nursing industry is rapidly evolving and improving. And I still have the same passion for animal health and care after all these years. So, I want to remain the best veterinary nurse I can possibly be. I’m a forward planner and don’t want to find myself in a position where my certificates and experience aren’t enough for future employment. This degree provides greater and more diverse employment opportunities.”
Frances Brogan – Nursing
“I knew I wanted to do postgraduate nursing, and I kept coming back to Charles Sturt, because of the subjects on offer. They had the best choice of subjects for the path I wanted to take my career on. I’ve moved into a nursing research intern position. That’s a role I would never have thought of looking at before I did my postgraduate degree. I’ve found there are so many more pathways that I am interested in and that I feel I can pursue in my career.”

Emma Turcato – Communication
“I was concerned about the level of commitment I would need to fit study into my already busy life. However, Charles Sturt allowed me to take complete control of my degree. From day one, I was able to group together tutorials and workshops to avoid being on campus daily, and I could change subject modes from on campus to online study to fit with my personal life. Initially, fear infiltrated my hopes and dreams. But I did do this, and I graduated with distinction. And since starting work within the industry, every day I’m doing what I love.”
Yaw Kyei – Cybersecurity
“A lot of companies and the federal government, through their latest cyber security strategy, are investing money into this area. That means they’re going to be investing more in the people who might work in information security. So don’t be afraid to branch into cyber security. I did, and when I apply for jobs and say I’m doing a Graduate Certificate in Cyber Security, I find everybody perks up. They recognise the importance of cyber-related skills. It’s a really good résumé booster. And it’s definitely enhanced my personal profile when I’m networking.”

Sally Dare – Psychology
“Throughout my teaching career, I had often seen students supported by specialist teachers and school counsellors. So when I first started to think of a different work life, I thought, ‘How can I be like them?’. I began to reach out to people in my network, particularly school counsellors, to see what my future career might look like – and psychology seemed like a good fit. I know in the back of my mind that now I’m doing a Graduate Diploma in Psychology, I’m working towards something that will benefit me in the long run. The other part is that now that I’m older, I know that I really want this. I want to be a psychologist.”
Kathy Talbot – Teacher librarianship
“I was teaching a Year 5 class part-time when my principal asked if I would like to work in the library. So I decided to give it a go. I later applied for a teacher librarian position and was interviewed but not offered the role – because I didn’t have the qualification. Not winning the position showed me how much I wanted to pursue a career in teacher librarianship. Now, having completed the Master of Education (Teacher Librarianship) with Charles Sturt, I have the career I want. There isn’t a day that is the same – I love the diversity of my job!”

Boost your career with Charles Sturt’s top-tier courses
If you’re ready to boost your career prospects, the first step is to find the course that speaks to your passion, gives you the skills you need to make your next move, and works around you so you can upskill around your other commitments.
From short courses to full degrees – learn real-world, cutting-edge skills from the experts at Charles Sturt. And when you study with Australia’s most experience online university, you can fit study around your life. It’s about qualifying without compromising.
What’s more, if you all ready have qualifications and/or work experience, you could gain credit towards your course. So you can take the fast track to career advancement.
Go on, find your course, and boost your career prospects today.

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